Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Importance of Security

Last week I wrote about the unfortunate incident of my iTouch being stolen and my incredible luck that it was returned to me. The whole incident got me thinking about the importance of safety and security, especially for those who are living in a foreign country as I am. (Foreign country here is defined as “not the country where one was born or raised.”)

In general, I feel very safe living in Chile. According to the US Department of State’s travel information, “Crime rates are low to moderate throughout Chile and are moderate in Santiago, Valparaiso, and other major cities. American citizens visiting Chile should be as careful in cities as they would be in any city in the United States,” (emphasis added). And while it is true that foreigners here are more likely to be pick-pocketed, and even Chileans are subject to this risk, the occurrence of violent crimes is very low. And let’s face it, I think we would all prefer to have our iTouches (or cell phones, cameras, cash etc.) stolen without our knowledge than to be the victim of a violent crime.

But my feeling of security here is not just a product of the ‘low to moderate’ crime rates. A very important part of my story was the fact that I went to the police with my problem, and had no qualms about doing so. The police in Chile are respectable. Do not ever try to bribe a Chilean policeman, because just the attempt can get you into further trouble! I have visited several Latin American countries, and there are some in which I would not even ask a policeman for directions for fear that he could ‘direct’ me into an organized crime game. And there are others in which the policeman would have said, “I’ll get your iTouch back for you for only $100,” instead of the $200 that the gentleman was asking for.

These things are not limited to Latin America either. I know a woman who was traveling through Italy with a friend of hers and was walking through Rome when they were stopped by the police. The police threatened to charge them with drug charges if the women did not go with them. They were holding each woman by the upper arm, hard enough to leave bruises, and would not let go. Without responding, and trying to keep their calm, the two women proceeded to a city bus that was stopped nearby (with the policemen still on their arms and still threatening drug charges) and were able to board, leaving the policemen behind.

I cannot imagine living with that type of insecurity on a daily basis. The fact that in Chile the security figures can be trusted has gone a long way to give me peace of mind.

1 comment:

  1. Your family feels more confident about your safety in Chile, too. We've read about the relatively low crime rate, and we know you are sensible about protecting yourself. You've lived in a big city before and know how to take care. And then there is the fact that Flaco is there, although not as often as before. That all said, we'll be glad when you and Flaco are back in the US!
